Maximus Nevski Modern

Maximus was born on June 25, 2007 in Moscow, Russia. His parents are Barbi of Nevski Modern (mother) and Viliam Sineglaziy Angel of Lvinoe Serdce (father). Maximus arrived at our home right before Thanksgiving of 2007 and has been a member of our family ever since. He is a very loving and affectionate cat. His favorite toys are foil candy wrappers and he loves sleeping in a sink (though lately it became harder for him to fit into one). Maximus is a seal point Siberian and currently holds a Champion title in CFA.

Maximus the King

Photo of Maximus the King

Maximus at 9 Months

Photo of Maximus at 9 Months

Maximus Upon Arrival to Our Home

Photo of young Maximus

Young Maximus Sleeping in a Sink

Photo of young Maximus sleeping in a sink

Maximus Resting

Photo of Maximus resting

Maximus' Mother — Barbi of Nevski Modern

Photo of Maximus' Mother - Barbi of Nevski Modern

Maximus' Father — William Sineglaziy Angel of L'vinoe Serdce

Photo of Maximus' Father - William Sineglaziy Angel of L'vinoe Serdce